Ethics & Compliance


Ethics and compliance

At Alban Oil Drilling plc, integrity is at the core of everything we do. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standard, and ensuring full compliance with legal, regulatory, and industry requirements in every aspect of our operations.

Our Commitment to Ethics :

Over the next decade, Alban Oil Drilling plc will continue to expand and enhance its rig fleet to meet the industry's growing demands. Our strategy is focused on:

✅ Integrity in Business – We conduct our business with honesty, transparency, and fairness, maintaining trust with our clients, partners, and stakeholders.
✅ Respect for People – We foster a workplace culture built on respect, diversity, and equal opportunities, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all employees.

✅ Zero Tolerance for Corruption – We enforce strict anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies, adhering to international compliance frameworks to prevent unethical practices.
✅ Sustainability and Responsibility – Our operations are guided by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, ensuring that we contribute positively to the communities and environments where we operate.

We support and acknowledge fundamental human and labour rights principles as reflected in our Human Rights Policy.

Regulatory Compliance

We adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including:

✅ ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System.
✅ ISO 50001 – Energy Management System.
✅ ISO 9001 – Quality Management System.
✅ International Health & Safety Standards to ensure a safe and secure workplace.

Whistleblower Policy

We encourage a speak-up culture where employees, partners, and stakeholders can report any unethical behavior or compliance concerns without fear of retaliation.
Our whistleblower protection program ensures confidentiality and swift action to uphold our ethical commitments.

Ensuring Compliance in Every Operation

We integrate compliance into every level of our business by:
1. Providing regular training on ethical practices and regulatory updates for employees and contractors
2. Conducting audits and risk assessments to maintain strict adherence to laws and company policies
3. Fostering accountability at all levels of the organization to reinforce ethical leadership At Alban Oil Drilling plc, ethics and compliance are not just policies—they are the foundation of our success. By adhering to strong governance, transparency, and responsible business practices, we continue to build a company that earns trust, respect, and long-term partnerships in the global energy sector.